
You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup

Well hello family! Its been so long since I was last here and I have missed this space. So….. I have a word for you guys (which I have been sitting on for a few weeks now) which I felt had to be typed at 11:15 p.m., lol.

Anyways……lets get into it,

I’m have to admit that I have been struggling in my walk with God. Between juggling my job, and everything else that’s been happening in my life, I begun to notice that I was not spending as much time with God as I used to. I was either too tired to do my devotion & pray or when I’d get home all I wanted to do was catch a movie to unwind (I know ya’ll can feel me on this one). And of course with time I begin to feel an emptiness.

And God used this experience to teach me that when we are not connected to Him, whatever was in our cups begins to deplete. So we find that the further we move from Him, the more we become frustrated, angry, discontent, impatient, stressed and all the negative emotions you can think of begin to surface. The reason for this is because your cup is running on empty.

We were created to spend time in the presence of God, and as we do that, He fills our cups and we are able to pour into other people. Have you ever met Christians who are full of encouragement, who are always happy, their circumstances not withstanding? Those are people whose cups are filled and because of that they are able to pour into others because they have been spending time with the Father.

How I was able to recover from the spiritual slump I’d gotten into

As soon as I realised that I’m slacking in my walk, I decided to change my daily routine by starting my day with God. I begun to wake up earlier than everyone else and just read my Bible and pray. Now, I am not a morning person at all but I was pleasantly suprised by how QUIET things are in the morning. In fact this is the best time to hear what God is saying because things are still. As I begun to do this, once again, He continued to fill my cup.

So have you been filling empty? Maybe you need to check when you last really spent time with God. Create a new routine that will enable you to reconnect with God. But most importantly, be deliberate about it. Life is always going to be busy so we have to make room for God.

He wants to fill you up so that you can be a blessing to someone else.

I hardly ever go back to read my old posts but this evening, a post I had written a couple of years ago came to mind and I went back to read it, and I just had to share it here with you all because it really encouraged me and I hope it does the same for you.

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