Real Talk

Expectations vs. Reality

God is really simple. No, He really is. If you don’t believe me, just reflect on your life. When God has asked you to do something, it’s always been a simple instruction.

Everything else God has asked me to do has been relatively uncomplicated. Whether you choose to obey Him or not is completely up to you.

So why do we complicate Him?

I’ve been there, I get an instruction and I immediately begin to over analyze it. I will have a million questions like:

  • Will I be able to do it?
  • Where is the funding going to come from?
  • Am I up to the task?
  • How do I start?
  • Maybe people will think that I’m crazy

And before we know it, we have completely gotten caught up in our thoughts. How about if we just obeyed God, without asking questions?

He is a God of Order

One thing I have experienced with God is that only through obeying the first instruction that He gives me will He give the next one. We cannot disobey Him and expect that He will continue to trust us with the next step.

I’ve shared before how I started this blog. It was a simple instruction, “why don’t you start a blog?” It’s only after I began blogging that I discovered that I have a passion for creating stuff, and God told me to go back to school and do a course that is closely related to my blog. The minute I stepped in that class, I knew that that is where I belonged. I fell in love! He has kept confirming that I am on the right path by telling me that I am going to be successful in this new path that He has set me on.

Now, my educational background is in finance and it would be easy for me to question God and think that I heard wrong (at first I did ) but as I gradually go along with His plans for me, I’m really having fun with this.  Of course everyone thinks I’m crazy for venturing in a totally different career field but God’s ways are not ours. I choose to follow what He says, not the opinions of men.

After all, He knows me best, He created me and even though right now I’m not in that profession and I don’t know how He will do it, He will order every one of my steps till what He has said comes to pass. All I have to do is believe .

Not long after starting the course, God gives me an incredible business idea and my company Penned & Pristine was born (please refer to the services menu in case you are interested in our services). It’s a branding company that specializes in developing and maintaining any type of blog, offering branding services to organizations and content creation services.

You see, He is a God of order, and had I not taken the first step of obedience, I would not have discovered all this about myself. Beloved, God wants the best for us.

This year I have been passionate about the topic of purpose and it’s because God wants us to walk in the fullness of what He put in us. If you still do not know what your purpose is, ask the Lord (read the post here).

So what is God asking you to do and you continue to disobey? Disobedience also comes with punishment so be careful to follow His instructions.

Before you go…..

Are you born again? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior? If not, I encourage you to say this prayer out loud:

Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner in need of your forgiveness. I believe that you died on the Cross and rose again and by doing so you paid the ultimate penalty for my sins. I invite you into my life to be my Lord and Savior and to have your way in my life. I thank you that I am now a new creation. Amen