I’m sure we’ve all asked ourselves this question: why am I alive? Maybe you’ve found yourself lacking motivation to do anything, you basically float through life just hoping to make it to the end of the day. Life for you is rather mundane and nothing excites you.
Finding Your Purpose
God created us to live meaningful lives, He wants to enjoy every minute that we are alive. But somehow many of us are just not enjoying the journey of life that we are on. In fact many are barely making it through the day.
John 10:10 tells us that Jesus came so that we (mankind) may have life in abundance is but we’re not living in accordance with this word because are yet to find out the purpose that God has set out for us.
Our main purpose as created beings is to worship God. Therefore anyone that’s not living of worship and reverence for God is not living according to the purpose for which he/she was created.
In Jeremiah 1:5 we learn that God knew us before He formed us in our mothers’ wombs Although in this text God was telling the prophet Elijah about his calling as a prophet, I believe that this also applies to us. God knows who we are meant to be, He knew our purpose before we were born because He is the one that placed it in us.
So how can you find out what your purpose in life is ?
- By asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what exactly is through prayer.
- Through your talents and gifts. There are some things that come naturally to us but we’ve never thought much of them. It could also be your hobby, something that you like to do for fun.
- Through your career. Your purpose could be in your job, maybe you are called to be an entrepreneur, or your purpose is to motivate your fellow employees whenever they are feeling down.
- Others stumble onto their purpose. Key to note when trying to find your purpose is, what do you feel most alive when you are doing and when you are doing it, it tends to come naturally.

It’s only through finding our purpose that we find fulfillment because as you are working on it you are doing that which the Lord requires of you. You become alive because you are living the life that God meant for you. As you walk in purpose asking the Holy Spirit for guidance, He gives you a vision, and you prosper in all that you do because He gives you His plan and a road-map for your life.
Mornings stop being dreadful because you know that everyday that you wake up is a chance for you to do that which you are meant to do.
Great things have happened when people have found their purpose in life. Companies have been created that have gone on to do amazing things and come up with inventions never thought of before. Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter are the results of people who found their purpose and went ahead yo actualize it. However, a number of Christians are lagging behind the rest of the world when it comes to finding and effectively walking in their purpose.
In 2019, let us press in to discover why we are here. And after we know, then we begin to walk in it all for the glory of God.