Have you ever prayed about a certain issue and however much you prayed, thing didn’t change. In fact the situation got even worse than it was before. Have you ever been tempted because you felt like God doesn’t hear your prayers so you thought, “what’s the point of this?” We have all been there. Personally when I first got saved, prayer felt like a chore. I didn’t understand how people could pray for hours when I could barely pray for 5 minutes. I would rack my head looking for prayer items. Crazy, right?
However, I know that I wasn’t alone. There are many Christians who find prayer boring. You want proof? Check the attendance of prayer meetings in your local church, and you will see what I am talking about. We have misunderstood what prayer is about.
But something happened to me that changed my perspective on prayer; I got filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of tongues and everything changed. All of a sudden prayer became sweet! I love to pray in tongues, I no longer struggle with praying and thinking of prayer items to bring before God because the Spirit of God is praying through me.
A couple of weeks back, I came across this scripture during my study:

May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice. – Psalm 141: 2
Whatever you may be going through, do not stop praying. God sees you and He hears you.
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