Guys, It’s the last day of 2021! I honestly cannot believe the year has gone by so fast. I feel like I blinked, and the year was gone. I don’t know about you, but 2021 was one of the most challenging years for me in terms of my walk with God. If I’m being honest, its only by the grace of God that I’m still saved. And I can testify that through the challenges, God has been so faithful to me even as we come to the end of yet another year.
Last week I met up with a friend who I hadn’t seen in ages and as we got talking I told her how excited I am for the upcoming year. I honestly cannot place what exactly what it is about 2022 but I’m expecting and believing that God will show up in ways that we could never imagine as the Body of Christ and in our lives individually. I’m so excited and I cannot wait to see how He is going to show up.
Had a rough 2021?
If you’re like me and 2021 has been tough, believe that God will come through and do a new thing for you in this new year.
Isaiah 43:18-19
Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.
I wish you all a happy new year full of God’s blessings and favor. Child of God, be expectant.

P.S. I wrote a blog on having hope a while back…check it out here
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