
New Beginnings!

I’m so excited guys! Tomorrow, I turn 27! Phew, where has time flown to!!!! Last year, on my birthday, the Lord spoke to me and told me that my 26th year would be a year of new beginnings. So I took this word and ran with it because we always assume that new things are good right? But we forget that before something new can be birthed, the old has to be stripped off and taken away. But in the stripping, painful as somethings were, He saw me through.

It’s been a life changing year for me, I’m definitely not the person I was on 27.06.2018. So I just want to share 26 things that I have learnt this last year:

  • Get born again. No really, give your life to Jesus, stop trying to figure your life out when you can just hand it over to Jesus and allow Him to do it for you. Best decision you will ever make.
  • Find out what your purpose in life is and work towards it. It will give you true satisfaction because that is what God placed you here to do. If you are yet to figure it out, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it to you.
  • Invest in knowledge. Read widely (self help books of course), go back to school for that course you’ve been putting off and most importantly read your Bible! Reading opens up your mind to new ideas and possibilities. Ask God to increase your wisdom.
  • Let go of toxic relationships. Do you have friends that just drain you with their negativity? Or those friends who nothing ever goes right in their lives, their always complaining and whining. Let those ones go. They will infect you with their negative energy. Same thing with people that only waste your time, those who lack vision, cut them lose.
  • Put your family first. Spend time with them, you can never replace them and when things get thick in life, they are the ones you can turn to. In case the relationship is strained, make amends. You need each other.
  • Heal. Hand over your hurt and pain to God, open up those wounds that you have covered up for so long to Him. He wants to make you whole. There is nothing that He cannot heal.
  • Forgive those that hurt you. Also ask them for forgiveness because you also hurt them. Don’t allow bitterness to continue taking root in your heart. Also FORGIVE Yourself. Whatever happened has happened, stop thinking how you could have done things differently.
  • Set boundaries with people in your life. Let them know what you stand for and what you don’t and if they cross that line. let them know. Don’t be afraid to sever ties with people that knowingly or intentionally cross/ break the boundaries that you have set. That is disrespectful.
  • No” is a sentence. This is probably one of the best phrases that I have heard this year. Its okay to say no and not feel guilty.
  • Rest! Work is important but so is your mental/physical health. Putting in late nights may get you that promotion but it will also burn you out. It’s okay to leave work early, those emails can be responded to later as long as they are not urgent. Spend time pursuing your hobbies. Use this time to unwind.
  • Stop procrastinating: Set up that business that you have been longing to start, change jobs. Just do it, there is never going to be a right time.
  • Get to know yourself. Understand why you act the way you do, your likes, dislikes, personality type. Self-awareness is important.Don’t be afraid to spend time by yourself
  • Growth is a part of life and as you change, its likely that you will outgrow some people and its okay. Never let anyone make you feel small or like you’re not enough. You are good enough.
  • If you’re not already doing it, start saving NOW. You never know when that money will come in handy. Learn how to manage your finances in your 20’s, now is not the time to be acquiring fuel guzzlers and taking loans that you’re unable to pay. Live withing your means. You will go broke once in a while but trust God for provision, its not the end of the world. Make Him your source and not man.
  • The salary you get from your job will never be enough. think of ways of making extra income (it should be a legal/ethical business venture.)
  • Don’t live in the past. The past belongs where it remained. Forgive yourself and MOVE ON. Don’t stress over things. A lot of the things that you worried about at 25, will stop being as big as they were then.
  • Learn from your past mistakes. Don’t keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.
  • Its okay if you’re not married by now. No really it is. Its better to wait on God than to rush and make a mistake.
  • Your destiny is pegged on who you get married to so be very careful who you choose as a life partner. It will either build you or destroy you.
  • The people you hang around with influence your life whether you like it or not. Hang out with people that are OK with mediocrity and soon you will live a mediocre life. Hang out with successful people and you start thinking like them. Spend time with people that will challenge you to get out of your comfort zone. They will change your mindset.
  • No situation is permanent in life. God’s got you even in those seasons when you feel like you can’t go on. Trust Him.
  • Build up your confidence. Confidence will get you in the room. Also know your stuff, it will keep you in the room. Don’t be an entitled brat who expects to receive everything on a silver platter. Remember that hard work pays.
  • Refuse to be average. Don’t be a person who does stuff half hardheartedly. Aim to leave a mark everywhere you go. Always give your best. Be so good at what you do that others associate you with that thing.
  • Prayer is a secret weapon. Use it! Pray even when you don’t feel like it, it changes situations.
  • Love! Love wholeheartedly. Love your enemies, your friends. But as you love, guard your heart. Love yourself as well. Take yourself for vacation, treat yourself once in a while because no one else may do that for you (except Jesus of course).
  • The most important relationship you will ever have is with God. Make Him your best friend, seek His face day and night. He’s got you.
I am a testimony of this. He will take your mess and turn into something beautiful

That’s it from me. Anything that you need, you will find in God. I thank Him for allowing me to make it to my 27th. Thank you Lord!