
Girl Talk: Beauty Standards

HI Ladies, A blessed Sunday to you all! This post is specifically for you and its my prayer that it will bless and minister to you as much as it has to me and the you will receive this with love.

The Lord has placed on my heart to talk about the standards of beauty that we hold as women. You see, we live in a society that has defined beauty according to how women should look, dress, and carry themselves. Unfortunately we as daughters of God

Culture has taught women to focus on how we look, and no wonder the beauty industry is one of the most profitable industries worldwide as women are spending alot to look and feel beautiful. But as daughters of God, His word is the standard that we ought to apply.

The Holy Spirit dropped this scripture in my heart as I was mulling on this. We all know proverbs 31, alot has been said about the proverbs 31 woman, but sadly this particular verse is often not highlighted.

Proverbs 31: 20  :Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised.

Charm and beauty. Have  you noticed how the world is keen on providing solutions on how we women can improve on our looks? There’s even the option of plastic surgery if one feels they want to “improve” a part of their body. In case you have considered plastic surgery, the bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. God did not make a mistake the way he created you, you are beautiful just the way you are.

There are so many coaches out there who are teaching women on how to be charming. One definition of the word charming that I came across is “having an often mysterious or magical power to attract”. 

However, the second part of this scripture says that “BUT, a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

This tells me that while the world wants us to focus on beauty and charm, these are fleeting and will eventually fade away. However, the fear of the Lord is the most important virtue we can ever have as women. The fear of the Lord will last much longer after the beauty has faded and the charm has subsided.

The Lord is asking us as women, to stop placing our focus on how we look and instead focus on building a relationship with Him and placing Him first in our lives. Instead of focusing on temporary things, He wants us to concentrate on eternity. As I was mulling over this verse, I noticed that charm and beauty fall under the category of the flesh. Sis, its time to stop focusing on the flesh and begin to pay more attention to the things of the spirit.

Now, do not get me wrong, this is not to say that we should not take care of ourselves as women, because God wants us to be presentable as his daughters. However, when we begin to obsess and idolise how we look, then that is the problem and at this point, it becomes a sin. There are some things that we have been trusting God for, and if we stop relying on our beauty/charm and instead surrender to Him, there shall be a swift turnaround.

Proverbs 3:5-6 : Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight

I challenge each of us to really take time to seek the Lord over this, and also take time to ask the Lord to forgive us whereby we prioritised beauty over the fear of the Lord.

God, we ask you to forgive us for  the times we have gotten caught up in our looks, and have placed this before you, we repent where we spent more time getting ready than we have in your presence. And we ask that you teach us How to be women that fear the Lord, help us to do better for this is more important than anything else. May our focus be on you. Teach us to be women that are totally submitted to you and trust your plans for our lives.

In the next blog, we’ll  cover more on what it means to fear the Lord.

Thank you so much for stopping by and have a blessed week!

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